Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Graphi terms

Pixel - the smallest element of an image that can be individually processed in a video display system.
CPU - central processing unit
Frame buffer - a buffer that stores the contents of an image pixel by pixel
Frame - the information or image on ascreen or monitor at one time.
bmp - an image file format

Paint Tools

Free-Form Select _ To erace a large area,to select part of a picture, to stretch or skew an item.
Eraser - To erase a small area
Pick color - To copy colour from one area or object to another
Pencil - to draw a free-form line
Airbrus - To creat an air brush effect
To draw a straight line
Ellipse - To draw an ellipse or circle
Select - To insert a bitmap into the current picture,
Fill with Color - To chande the color of an existing line
Magnifier - to enlarge pictures
Brush - To paint with a brush
Text - To type and format tex
Curve - to draw a curve
Polygon - To draw a polygon
Rounded Rectangle - to draw a rectangle or a square

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Advantages of digital art

Digital Art is -quick
-manages to incoporate line
-Bright Key-colours
-Good detail

is digital art a valid form of art

Civilazation thirst for knowledge has realised many wonderful inventions. Some have improved our lives, even extended them while other we could do well without.

The world of art has never benn so challeged by new technology than it is at present.

DIGITAL ART has opened a "pandora's box" in that it seems to have no boundaries or conscience when it comes to creating art. Is this a good or bad thing ?
I think digital art is the reflection of society to day and that makes it a legitimate art form, and this fact would no doupt send shivers down the spine of "traditional artist" . Art today is a record of how we feel about the things that really concern us.
So in my option digital art is a valid form of art.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Digital Art

Today i made digital art on and the best thing about it were the backdroungs because there were sp unique and artistic.The worst thing about it was that when you looked over your work and found for example star, misplaced you could not change it without get rid of most of the other stars you put after that one star.
But overall it really helps u see your artistic side

Friday, February 5, 2010

Digital Media

1)Digital Madia is all aroung us these days. Its everywhere you turn for example:

* Cellphones

* e-book
* Digital Vedio

* Internet

2)Today Digital media is based on the binary numeral system. The two numbers that a used to code all digital date are "0" and "1"

3) A bit is the basic unit of information in computing and tellecommunication, it is the amount of information that can be stored by a device or other physical system that can mormally exist in only two distinct states.

The byte is a system of digital information in computing and telecomunications. it is an ordered collection of bits.

4) The sampiling rate, sample rate, or sampling frequency difines the number of samples per second(or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a descrete signal

5) 1bit (2 colours) 4 bit (16 colours) 24bits (every colour)

6) Still media doesnt have sound so does not require sampling rate. Where as video digital meadia requires sound therefore needs sampling rate

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Getiing Started

yesterday i the blog u are looking at now. First i creates a google account, through my account i made my blog through blogger.
I created a new tab called school in my igoogle account
Today was my first time really using my blog it was really fun
now i have to get back to work later