Tuesday, June 22, 2010


THE ACT OF BULLYING (the song "no air")

Bullies walk up to the camera (threatening song)

Establishing shot of the school

Pan to the bullies (eerie music plays) then to victim.

Low angle shot of bullies talking

BULLY1: Listen to us you little punk, we're gonna take your damn diary [takes diary], we're gonna break it [Breaks it]

BULLY2: [Takes the broken piece]...and there's nothing you can do about it. If you say a word to anyone, you're dead!

BULLY1: and we don't wanna see you in our spot again.
BULLY2: That's right.

BULLY1: [looks at bully1] We outta here.

BULLY2: Yeah...

[Bullies walk away]

[Tight shot of victim suffering {song 'heartless'}]

[Victim walking away, bullies see her]

BULLY2: What the hell man, we aint done yet [slams part of the diary]

BULLY1: Yeah man [slams the other part]

[They start pushing the victim]

BULLY1: Come back here! Where do you think you're going? HUh? HUh? HUh?

[They push the victim down on the floor]

BULLY2: We don't wanna see you mess with us again!

BULLY1: Yeah! And stay there...

BULLY2: Yeah...

[Bullies walk away. victim is left crying and walks away too]

Establishing shot of IST classroom

BULLY2: I don't get this man!

BULLY1: uh... yeah... uh...

BULLY2: How can you do this man? CONGRUENCE?

BULLY1: Uh... I think you're meant to flip that thing over-

BULLY2: I don’t know!!

[Camera pans to victim again then pans back to bullies with a cunning smile]

[Bullies walk up to the victim]

BULLY2: You have to do it! Alright?

BULLY1: And you better get it right!

BULLY2: Yeah... If we get this wrong, if we get a zero , you're dead!

BULLY1: You take this and get it done!

[Bullies walk away]

[Victim works hard on it and gets bullied again. This sequence is fast forwarded as the consequence is obvious]

HOST: May teenagers fall victim to bullying. It may not be visible but it is happening. and what you just saw was the effect of bullying.

HOST: Here is a way to be assertive.

Establishing shot of IST classroom

[Victim walks up and finds a "BULLYING NO WAY CARD"]

VICTIM: Bullying no way? www.bullyingnoway.com? Let me go try that.

{The research continues}

[Shot of the computer]

[Shot of victim reading]

[Victim looking at leaves outside the library and sees approaching bullies]

VICTIM: Stop! I won't take this anymore. I've had enough!

[Confused bullies, backing away]

BULLY1: Ok man, what is wrong with you??

BULLY2: Yeah right, we outta here.


Credits (song "Forever")

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