Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bits and byts

1. What is a Digit

the one or zero in a bit or It is a single place where it can hold numerical values from 0-9.

2. “normal” counting numbers used in everyday life a based on what sequence of numbers?

 0 to 9  ten does not count since its made up of two existent numbers

3. Where does the word bit originate from?

4. Binary numbers don’t use base 10. What base do they use? What digits are available in base 2?

they count in twos,1 and 0

5. If 6,357 can be written as;

(6 * 1000) + (3 * 100) + (5 * 10) + (7 * 1) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7

 How would you write 4,321

(4*1000) + (3*100) + (2*10) + (1*1) = 4000 +300+20+1

6.Write the following numbers in binary (base 2)

21 = 101000

24 = 101000

30= 1010000

7. What is a byte?

A bundled together 8-bit collection.

8. How many bytes in a kilo, mega, giga and tera bytes.


Giga- 1000000000

9. Complete the following conversions;

1000 Mb = ?Gb

500 Gb = ?Mb

5000 Kb = ? Mb

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