Tuesday, August 17, 2010


What do I need to research?

Some information to include in your project about each topic could include

1. What it is ? What do we use it for?

2. How is it a part of our multimedia world?

3. Are there different types? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each type?

4. A “simple” explanation of how it works.

5. A rough indication of the cost of the device (only where a device is being researched)

6. Future directions, what is waiting around the corner, what is the next “new” technology in this area?

You will find these questions in your assessment outline!


- just copy & paste information

- include videos just for the sake of it

How should I present my research?

Your research should be:

- Easy to read – Font, colour etc.

- Easy to find

- In a logical format

Some suggestions include:

• Question-answer format

• Headings

• Paragraphs

• Dot points

What you should be up to with your assignment!!

By now you should have:

• Registered your group members

• Decided on the topics you will research for your website

• Evaluated at least 2 presentation tools

• Decided which presentation tool you will use

• Blogged about all this

You should be up to your research at this stage

Don’t forget to blog about useful sites that you found and problems you overcame.

This assignment is due in week 8 – that means you have only 3 weeks to complete it!

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